Sala Thai Restaurant @ Harbour City

After our blog post about Sala Thai Restaurant in KKIP Business Center, our blog follower, Maslight, told us about the second branches of the restaurant at Harbour City.

Sala Thai Restaurant @ Harbour City
Food: 3/5
Services: 3/5
Cleanliness: 4/5
After we finished from Jack's Studio Cycle 7:15pm - 8:15pm Wednesday class @ Core Fitness, we make our move to Harbour City for dinner. We are extremely hungry cause we burned around 1000 calories in his class....fuh! Dare to join us for Studio Cycle this coming Saturday 11:30am class @ Core Fitness???

We decided it's time to change......trying out this 3 differrent type of smartphone
Jack and Monica's new toy "HTC phone - Android and Window 7"
Model: HTC Desire HD and HTC 7 Mozart
Well, I'm going to wait for the new i-phone Nano or i-phone 5
Testing on Monica's HTC 7 Mozart Camera - 8 Megapixel
Wow! Great photo quality...interesting functions. Sorry, I'm doing this post repeatedly to flex my muscles for photography purpose....LOL
Gosh! This is much more tiring than doing yoga posture....fuh!
touch up with the smartphone photo enhancer
touch up with the HTC phone photo enhancer
Active Life! I love Studio Cycle and Yoga....join us at Core Fitness
I'm working on getting my weight down for my next Inspiration Project: The Art of Yoga photo target is 3kg off my current weight...gotta get lean! Let's get lean!
Fish price at RM5.00 per 100g
Ready cooked dishes, economy style!
Choose air-conditioning or Al-fresco tables and seats
3 x 100Plus
Mixed Vegetables
The Mixed Vegetables dish consists of cauliflower, kailan, carrot, capsicum and cabbage. Savoury with a hint of sweetness.
Ayam Masak Merah (Spicy Chicken)
Chicken cooked with chili and spices. Tasted sweet and savoury with mild spiciness. A dish that goes well with rice.
Tom Yum Chicken Soup
Spicy and sourish, the Tom Yum Soup was cooked with chicken, onion, lemongrass, galangal, chili and cauliflower. It was not bad.
Beancurd with bean paste sauce
Japanese beancurd and capsicum cooked with bean paste sauce. It was a savoury dish with some light gravy.
Total paid for dinner, RM54.40


Mas Light said…
HTC phones 8mp want! Anyways, thanks for this post ;D I need to shave off some kg too so can eat more nice fewd ;D

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