Upperstar Steak & Chicken Restaurant @ Lintas

Upperstar Steak & Chicken Restaurant
Location : Lintas Plaza, Near Koganei Japanese Restaurant
Food: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Cleanliness: 3/5
Visit reviewed: 03/12/09 and 31/05/10

Jack and his Pre-U's mates were having a gathering at Upperstar, Lintas, today. I just tagged along with him after working out in the gym.
Bruschetta Baguetta RM6.95
The Bruschetta Baguetta was Jan Marie's order. Again, I took the opportunity to snapped a few photos. Taste wise, it was not bad. It was topped with chunky lamb, tomatoes, cheese and lettuce.
Nasi Lemak King RM6.50
I was quite hungry after an hour of Tremor Yoga and an hour of studio cycling. I ordered the Nasi Lemak King which looks so tempting. Only cost RM6.50 during lunch hours, it comes with curry chicken, grilled chicken wing and satay. Taste wise, it was good. My only qualm was the rice wasn't fragrantly good and a little soggy. Jack love the grilled chicken wing and he ate it without even letting me have a bite on it.
Thai Style Chicken Rice RM6.50
Jack ordered the Thai Style Chicken Rice. The chicken chop was quite big, fried till crunchy and topped with Thai chili sauce. It tasted okay.
Hainanese Chicken Rice RM6.50
Julian and Fara ordered the Hainanese Chicken Rice. As I'm worried that they were hungry, I just simply snapped a few photos. Taste wise, just average.
Deep Fried Quail Bird RM5.65
Another dish that Jan Marie ordered was the Deep Fried Quail Bird. Needless to say, it was good. It is one of the hot-picked dish.
Caesar Salad RM8.95
After the chicken rice, Julian added-on an order of Caesar Salad. With plenty of fresh lettuces, beef salami, egg wedges and bread croutons. Taste wise, okay.


Keith said…
The food is nice but waiting for the order to come is sucks! I always follow my friends go to Upperstar Lintas for lunch. Each time we make order, we need to wait like hell for the food especially "fish fillet cheese burger" and "grilled chicken burger".

Just like today, I have ordered a fish burger and its take 35 minutes to cook. I wondering how they cook in the kitchen. It's more piss me off when I ask the waitress/waiter, they keep saying: "please wait for 4 more minutes". They keep repeat the same verse over and over again til my food come.

Overall: Not recommended if you are really "hungry".
Anonymous said…
The food was good at first when they opened the joint at Lintas but quickly declined after a few weeks. The portions and tastes went horribly wrong in just a nick of time. Such a shame because the atmosphere of the restaurant is pleasant and if only the food quality was maintain it could be worth visiting again and again!:P The other joint in Suria also suffers the same thing, excellent in the beginning but dropped quickly.

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