Starhill Food Hunting Part 1 - Shook and Luk Yu Tea House, Kuala Lumpur

Starhill is having a promotion which will last until end of June. Every dish on the promotional Menu only cost RM3.60 from 3pm to 6pm.
Started from Shook, my friends and I planned to try all the restaurants which participated in the promotional rate feast.
Orange Juice, Ice Lemon Tea, Blue Hawaian
Caesar Salad
Cantonese Noodle with Broth
6" Pepperoni Pizza
Pasta Clams
Fish Tempura
Fish Tempura Somen
Cumberland Sausage
Cantonese Seafood Fried Rice
Fish Porridge
Overall, the food at Shook was not bad. Although they charged RM3.60 for each dish, they still managed to keep up the good quality of the food.
Next, we tried Luk Yu Tea House. One of the famous place for Dim Sum. Normal days, the Dim Sum here are really good. Going to find out about the food tastes during the promotion.
Due to the promotion, the restaurant was really packed. Hardly find an empty seat.
Chicken Porridge
Chicken Bundle
Malay Soft Cake
Yang Chao Fried Rice
Egg Cheong Fun
Fresh Mango Sago
Almond Beancurd
Peanut Dumpling
We were satisfied with the food at Luk Yu Tea House as well. It tasted pretty good too. Only two more days left for the promotion, good luck for those who wanted to try!


labuanonline said…
Unbelievable. RM3.60 per dish. It's very cheap.

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