Dinner at Home and going to see Doctor again!

2nd June 2010, Wednesday
I work until 7:00pm and head home immediately, have a quick dinner. Mum, drove me to see the doc at Kuchai Lama. Yesterday I don't have time to see doctor, so mum went and bought my last visit medicine for me, my most needed was antibiotic. My sinus area was inflammated. When I reached there, I was suprise the queue was so long. I register myself at 8:30pm and waited til 10:45pm for my turn to see the doctor....hmmm what a night.
Stir-Fried Choy Sum
Sweet and Sour Chicken Breast
Chinese Herbal Soup
Make a move to the Clinic at 8:00pm
My medical bill, RM40
"Home Sweet Home" time to hit the sack! Goodnight...sweet dreams

Today's Meditation:
Will you be satisfied with the fruit of your life's work? Will the efforts you are making now bring you satisfaction when the things of time are receding, and eternity looms ahead?
Raymond L. Cox

I'm not at all a morbid person, but I often think of how I would feel if I were to die tomorrow, or this afternoon. Am I truly ready to go, even though I am still relatively young? Would I feel a sense of equanimity and satisfaction, knowing that I've done all that I can with my life, or would I feel a sense of dread, thinking about the many things that I haven't yet done?

So far, I think I'm in a pretty good place, and I believe that's because I think about it so often. By keeping my mind on what I'll feel like when I leave this life, I can continually do my best to make sure that I accomplish in this life as much as I'm able to accomplish, as well as I'm able to accomplish it.

Many of us start to think that the quantity of our accomplishments is the key to satisfaction, but we have to remember that the more we commit ourselves to do, the lower the quality of each of those things will be. We have to find a level that's both comfortable and do-able, and that will also allow us to continue to achieve.

We can't judge ourselves too harshly. We aren't here to do everything. We can't fix other people's lives for them. We can't cause the world to live in peace, though we can work for peace in our own small ways. Our lives are made up of small victories and accomplishments, with the occasional larger ones; when we realize this, we can be easier on ourselves and start accomplishing more.

I will leave behind unfinished business when I go. There will be things I could have done but didn't. But that's true for every single person who ever has lived. Once we accept this fact, we can face our transition to whatever comes next with a sense of adventure and curiosity.

This morning take a few minutes to reflect on how you give of yourself to the world. Often we get caught up in the frenzy of buying and giving things. Look at the ways you give appreciation, friendship, energy, time, love, and affection, and give of your own special talents and abilities throughout the year. Acknowledge yourself for having enriched the lives of others. Spend some time loving yourself for the giving light that you are.

Shakti Gawain


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