Kaldido's Cafe @ Citymall

Kaldido's Cafe
Location: exactly the same shop where Mei Xin Dessert House used to be. Near Celyn Hotel
Food: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Cleanliness: 4/5
Visit reviewed: 29/05/10
Julian, Fara, Jack and I had actually planned to visit PappaRich but was told that it is closed till 4pm. We walked around Citymall and try to look for some other food to eat. Then, Julian and Fara head off to Little Italy as they suddenly had an urge to eat Tiramisu.

Jack and I, on the other hand, just wanted to have something that can fill-up our tummy. So, Jack suggested to try Kaldido Cafe.
Char Siu Kolo Mee RM5.80
One of their signature dish is the Char Siu Kolo Mee. Delicious! The Char Siu was tender and sweet. It was well-marinated. With the Char Siu gravy added to the Kolo Mee, the noodle tasted more flavourful.
Chicken Chop Kolo Mee RM6.80
Jack doesn't eat pork. He ordered the Chicken Chop Kolo Mee. It tasted not bad but nothing to be shout home about. The portion was quite big.
One thing that Jack like about is the condiments;ginger and chili sauce. It goes well with the Chicken Rice.


Anonymous said…
I've been looking at all the good food in KK frm this blog since I was away.. !!! Really miss them all!!! Kon lo mee here I come! Heading home this weekend! =) Thanks for all the good suggestions.. makes my food planing so much easier!.. and difficult too coz too many choices. Haha! THANKS!!! Keep it up!

Monica said…
Thanks for your support!! Go for the famous place only, then u can save more time.
PhyllisB said…
Aiya how come all d new places at citimall all non-halal one... Very "sien" oledi lah with d limited choices there.. come lah Jack, since u dun eat pork, we buka 1 no pork 1 lah! Xp

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