Chuan Hin @ Luyang

We left Danny in the gym and went to Chuan Hin for breakfast this morning. Ten minutes after we made our orders, my hand phone rang and you-know-who(definitely not Lord Voldemort) is calling. While Angeline was taking photos of the noodles, I went back to the gym to pick up Danny. I was so hungry and thought that by the time we reach Chuan Hin, Angeline will have done with the photo shooting and I can start having my meal. BUT... with Miss Perfectionist around, before the best photos is taken, don't even think of having your meal! Sounds pathetic? Not really...

Our favourite drink, less calories and thirst quencher

Wantan Mee (Is pork wantan, no prawn but quite nice)

Pai Ku Mee(Recommended, famous order)

Pei Tan Sui Kaw (Surprise to found it here, I thought this is only available in Sandakan)

Our Lunch + 2 lemon ice + Danny ordered 1 plate of Yu Wat Mee and 2 ice lemon tea, Total paid for our lunch RM28. Haha, Danny spend on us, if we know earlier than we will have order more.

Food: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Cleanliness: 3/5


Anonymous said…
where is this chuan hin located? Thanks
Angeline said…
Chuan Hin location, you know the traffic light junction to City Mall, Beverly, Lintas and Damai. If you're coming from Damai, Chuan Hin is just on you left hand side befor the traffic light, there're some specialist Medical centre there. If you go straight at the traffic light you'll see Foo Chow Association building on your left, hope you get the direction, so don't pass the traffic light. Have a nice meal!
all-is-off said…
Monica you did this write up - so funny :)every time we eat here my kids would order the wantan mee - we have been going here years and that is the only thing they like to eat. have you guys tried this shop for dinner? it's not bad too.
Angeline said…
Oh yeah, I'm Ms.Perfectionist, haha. Hmmm the one that we order not wantan mee, have another type?
Yeah, will definitely go back for dinner again. Thanks :)
Anonymous said…
yes I do remember This shop evry well. many Years ago I ordered some konomee. so they brought It to My work Place (which was round The corner in Those days) and when i opened the packet i was so shocked There were 3 Tiny Bits of vegetable. I sent It back and asked Them to top It up and I was happy to pay for the xtra and You know what The chef said to My staff??"Oh dia mahu lagi lanchau ?" I was so disgusted That i never went there again and Told Them to Take Their Noodles back. very very rude staff and Now That shop is Called The L..C... shop By my friends !!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha
Angeline said…
Well, if you look at how the wanton was arrange, it does look a bit funny. I those rude people no longer there, maybe should give them another chance, try it out again, after so many year... :)

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