Fara Hari Raya Open House & House of Pastries Kota Kinabalu


Cupcakes seems to be a trend nowadays. More and more people prefers to order cupcakes than the normal cakes during special occasions and functions. True enough, cupcakes looks nice and easier to distribute to the guests compare to cakes(which you need to cut it into proportionate piece before you distribute it).

I have a sweet tooth and cupcakes is one of my favourites too. I love the beautiful and artistic icing sugar toppings that comes with the cupcakes. Do you have any idea where to get those cupcakes I mentioned? I may sounds like promoting for our gym member's cousin but couldn't be denied, the cupcakes she baked are simply delicious. The cakes is moist and full of flavour. Of course, the icing sugar toppings not only looks nice but tasted good too.

The carrot cupcakes from House of Pastries (one will not be enough, you just couldn't resist yourself for a second bite)

During Hari Raya, Fara (one of our gym's member) had ordered cupcakes and birthday cakes from House of Pastries for her open house/birthday party. We were invited and below are some of the photos taken. The cupcakes was too irresistible that we finished it before we take photo.

Roast Lamb( they catered food from The Hut)

For more info on the ordering log on to


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