White Rajah Borneo Cafe - Piccolo Galeria @ Bintang Walk

White Rajah Borneo Cafe - Piccolo Galeria @ Bintang Walk
Tel: 03-2144 9466
Business hours: 11:00am-12:00am
Food: 4/5
Services: 4/5
Cleanliness: 4/5
Good place for tourist to experience authentic Malaysian food. Owner Wong-Svrcula (also owned Piccolo Mondo) created the cafe with the feeling of English Garden "James Brooke the White Rajah was English". Immediately upon entering the restaurant, you will notice a white plank wall adorned with gardening tools and plants, reinforcing the impression of a large garden shed. White wooden trellises can be found througout the cafe, light coloured furniture and and finishing completes it.
Borneo Menu
With an approximately 60 items on the menu, ranging from Foochow, Sarawakian, Sabahan and Indonesian origins, and plenty more. Some highly recommended dishes: Foochow Kong Piang rm8.90 for 5 resembled the chewy American bagels, Sarawak Laksa rm18.90, Anjau Duck rm22.90, Kolo Mee rm14.90, Salted Terubok Lemak rm22.90 and Hot Stone Wild Rice rm14.90.
Foochow Bagels Stuffed with Fried Onion, RM9.90
The Famous Sibu of Sarawak Kong Piang fresh from the oven, with a chewy texture, sweet and nice aroma from the fried onion, heavenly good!
Activate your sensory nerves, smell, feel, taste......take your time
Appreciate the Culinary Art that the Chef spend hours to prepare it
Take your time to enjoy food, slow down and relax!
Enjoy every bite like your journey of life!
100Plus, RM6.90 and Root Beer, RM6.90
We should slow down sometimes to just appreciate what we have, live life to the fullest! Look at things in a differrent perspective, you'll find life is beautiful!
Pineapple Chicken, RM14.90
A popular dish as pineapple is famously grown in Sarawak, chunks of chicken with pineapple serve with rice, sweet and slightly spicy. Healthy and light!
Baked Fish, RM15.90
Fire Baked Fish with Lady finger and tomato, not oily and not too spicy or heavy taste, suitable for everyone tastebud
Total paid for dinner, RM62.70
Blogger's in action
You can turn anything into your passion!!!
White Rajah Borneo Cafe Promotion Menu
After Dinner, why not walk around.....nice place for people watching
Busy Street
Street Dancer pratising
Middle Eastern Kids taking photo with The Statue Men, No free photo RM2 per person
Pay RM2 for a photo with the Statue Men
Bintang Walk
Sorry, I'm having a lots of fun with my new Canon 60D DSLR, if you hate me putting too many photos on the post, please let me know, ok!

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