Windbell Seafood Restaurant @ Tanjung Aru (Steamboat Buffet)

Great 90mins Studio Cycle class today most members hit their training target zone, me myself burned 825 calories, class was fulled, pity Jack my younger sister boyfriend someone took the bike he booked, so he went for my sister Power Yoga/Stretch. We already set our mind, steamboat for dinner, decided to try up Windbell Seafood Restaurant at Tanjung Aru Beach which was established 1960s, now owned & managed by a Mat Salleh "Mr. Fritz J Klug".
Steamboat: Buffet style, RM25+ per person
Total bill for 3 person RM79.80 (5% Service Charge RM3.80 + Chinese Tea RM1.00)

Look at those fresh prawns, so fresh and spongy, beef sliced was really nice, everything are so fresh, no fishy smell. They refill the food very often.

Oh! Can't wait to taste it. Soup selection, herbal soup, chicken soup and tom yam. We had tomyam and herbal, the really take their soup seriously, you gonna love it!

Steamboat Selections

Make sure you try the beef sliced

Will keep on refill it, so it can stay fresh

Fresh Crabs cut into smaller pieces, easier to eat

Buffet selections

Noodles selection for steamboat

Selection of cooked food as well, so while waiting for the soup & food to boil, you can keep your mouth and stomach working, haha

Fried Noodles and Kuey Teow

Dessert Choices : Fruits, Jelly and Cincau

Bright and clean interior of the restaurant

Entrance to the Restaurant

The new owner has renovated and refurbished the restaurant, clean,comfortable, many tables, services are good. I was told by a friend on weekend, you must reserved you table to avoid disappointment, crowded. No wonder Danny said I must go and try this restaurant steamboat, highly recommended, I love all those fresh seafood

Windbell Seafood Restaurant
20, Jalan Selangor, Tanjung Aru,
88100, Kota Kinabalu
Tel: 088 222 305
Fax: 088 222 305
Mr. Fritz J Klug (Owner)
Mobile: 013 850 8525

Reservation available for private function: Wedding, Birthday, Fullmoon, Family Gatherings, Celebration, and catering

Food: 5/5
Services: 5/5


all-is-off said…
thanks for this - it's been years since i've eaten at Windbell (before they renovated) so will definitely go and check the new place out.
Angeline said…
You're welcome :) You'll have a great dinner there!
Anonymous said…
is the food halal for muslim? was thinking to have a try if it is. tq
Monica said…
Yup,it is halal.
Unknown said…
How is this compared to Beijing Steamboat at Bukit Padang?

Monica said…
This is much more better than Bukit Padang.Better quality and cleaner.
Anonymous said…
betulkah halal??
Monica said…
you can call up and check with them.
Charles Lai said…
Come to think about it... All steamboat Restaurant are Halal, but not hindu halal.
thanks for d info..really useful..:))
dya said…
what time it will be open?
Glamiva said…
Interesting! For the first time in my life I went past the T. Aru 2nd beach and saw this place! Thanks for reviewing!
Awangku Johan said…
sabahan blogger jg ke ?
salam kenal.. saya follow blog awak yer.. nnti ada masa mai la follow blog saya pulak...
sbnrnya sia pun dah penah pegi ni Windbell ni.. mmg berbaloi la hahaha...
Honeybee said…
thanks for this. I haven't visited there for a long time. when i make a last minute book at the Beijing bukit padang steamboat today, they are full and Mr Google send me here.

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