Kim Boo Seafood Restaurant-2nd visit @ Harbour City, Sembulan

Kim Boo Seafood Restaurant
Level 1, Lot 9-1 & 10-1, Block D, Phase 1A,
Harbour City, Sembulan, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Tel: 019-821 8719
hours: lunch & 6:00pm-2:00am
Food: 5/5
Services: 4/5
Cleanliness: 5/5
Visit reviewed: 22/03/2010
Tonight dinner bil was only RM100.90 serving 5 persons
Due to our great enthusiasms, we were back again to Kim Boo for the Vietnamese Steamed Fish. This time, we were together with Paul and Shirley. It was on Monday's evening.
Steamed Tilapia Vietnamese Style, RM27.00
We were recommended by the waitress to ordered Tilapia Fish to go with the Vietnamese Style although we felt like trying other type of fish. However, we didn't regretted that we ordered it. The fish was well-cooked and the texture was fine and smooth without any muddy smell. The gravy was fragrantly good with curry flavour while the ideal milk taste wasn't very strong and it didn't outshine the taste of the fresh fish. Though, we did preferred the Steamed Fish with Bean Paste Sauce. 
Sweet and Sour Fish Fillet, RM15.00
The Sweet and Sour Fish Fillet was good. The fish fillet was fried till crispy and coated with sweet and sour sauce. It wasn't greasy and the sauce tasted just right, not too sour and not too sweet. It was good to go with rice. However, when we are in a Seafood restaurant, it is best to order steamed fish than fried fish, to get the better quality of food.
Stir-Fried Choy Sum, RM12.00
 Steamed Kampung Chicken with ginger, wine and herbs, RM20.00
We wanted to ordered the Steamed Chicken (Signature dish) that we ordered previously. Somehow, I think that we had a miscommunication as we didn't described the dish clearly. Probably, the Steamed Kampung Chicken with ginger, wine and herbs is also one of their signature dish. However, the dish was quite good. The chicken meat was firm. The gravy was light with a mild ginger and wine taste. It also had a mild herbs aroma.
Hot and Sour Soup (5 persons serving), RM15
The Hot and Sour Soup taste was a bit different from our previous visit. Later by the night, we were told by the boss that the main chef was on leave on that day.
 Fruits (F.O.C.)

Today's Meditation:
It's very easy not to laugh. Laughter tends to be a reflection of joy or happiness, and many of us grow up to learn not to trust that joy because something is probably going to happen to take it away from us. But it truly is "cheap medicine," and many studies have shown that laughter actually improves our health; in fact, some people have recovered in amazing ways from serious illnesses by focusing on things that make them laugh, like their favorite comedies on television.

Laughter makes us brighter; it puts a sparkle in our eyes and brightens our faces. The sound of laughter can be infectious, and other people can benefit from our laughter. I know that I feel great when I'm laughing, as long as I'm not laughing at someone or at someone's expense.

Whenever I'm in stressful periods of my life, I make it a point to find a comedy or two on TV, usually in syndication so I can watch them every day, and I set aside an hour each afternoon to watch them, relax, and laugh. It doesn't matter what the shows are, as long as they make me laugh, then I'm getting a very real benefit from them.

If we sit around and wait for laughter to show up, if we expect funny things to happen without looking for them, then we're bound to be disappointed. But if we make time for things that will make us laugh, we're going to find that the laughter becomes a very important part of who we are. The more I laugh, the easier it becomes for me to laugh, and I'm very thankful that I've made plenty of time to practice.

When we begin to take our failures non-seriously,
it means we are ceasing to be afraid of them.
It is of immense importance to learn to laugh at ourselves.

Katherine Mansfield


omc said…

Wouldl ike to invite you for a food tasting session. If you are interested do drop me a mail at

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